Tire Temperature Analysis Record: 11 Date/Time: 03-10-06 14:10 Description: New Driver Fred Race Type: Heat 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Raw Temp Data Out Mid In In Mid Out LF= 180 186 183 RF= 210 200 190 LR= 185 190 170 RR= 215 210 200 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Tire Inflation Suggestions: Left Front Tire: Adjustment pressure to obtain 17.81 cold, or 19.79 with hot tires. Left Rear Tire: Adjustment pressure to obtain 17.48 cold, or 19.42 with hot tires. Right Front Tire: No adjustment needed Right Rear Tire: No adjustment needed (Note: The amount of pressure change to be suggested can be adjusted by you by clicking on 'Preferences' at the top of the main screen. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Wheel Camber/Stagger Suggestions: Left Front Tire: Camber OK, no adjustment suggested. Left Rear Tire: Some less Stagger, meaning you should reduce the circumference of the RR (outside) tire, and/or increase the circumference of the LR (inside) tire. Right Front Tire: Much less negative Camber, meaning the top of the front tire should tilt MUCH farther out, away from the center of the car than it currently does. Right Rear Tire: Some less Stagger, meaning you should reduce the circumference of the RR (outside) tire, and/or increase the circumference of the LR (inside) tire. These Camber/Stagger tips are most accurate if the front tire pressure adjustments are either very small or 'OK' with no adjustment required.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Handling Suggestions: Handling/Balance: Much Oversteer, meaning the Right Rear (outside) tire is working MUCH harder than the Right Front (outside) tire. Suggestions: Softer Rear Springs or Roll Bar Lower the Rear Roll Center Firmer Front Springs or Roll Bar Raise the Front Roll Center Perhaps too much Rear Brake Bias Most of these suggestions will adjust Front to Rear Roll Couple or Front Lateral Load Distribution (F Lat Load Dist, %), both entries in the middle of the Springs screen. Click on the 'Info' button by 'F Lat Load Dist' for more explanation. If you can link to one of our Suspension Programs like Circle Track Analyzer v3.5, these balance suggestions can be worked out more simply. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross Weight (Wedge) Suggestions: Left Rear Weight: Needs Much more LR Wt. This can be done by jacking in MUCH More weight at the Left Rear, and/or jacking in MUCH Less weigth at the Right Rear. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- These suggestions are based on rear wheel drive cars with solid rear axles and independant front suspensions, turning left on short, oval tracks. ------------------ end of report --------------------------------------