Re: Performance Trends Newsletter (updates)
To: Visitors to Performance Trends Website
Subject: Product News/Updates, May 2022
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1) Cam Testing - New Adapter We've added a new Rotary Encoder Adapter to our popular Cam Test Stand, part number CTS-RHD8 designed for small Milwaukee 8 Harley Davidson cams. The adapter will also work for many other small motorcycle cams. It is critical to have the rotary encoder centered on the end of the cam. Depending on the size of the cam, having the rotary encoder off .020" from the true center can cause your measurements to be off 2 degrees or more. The smaller the base circle of the cam, the more the error and the more critical it is to be centered.
The precision, steel CTS-RHD8 with a pointed center and small, strong, rare earth magnet keeps the rotary encoder as centered as possible, for the best accuracy. If you work with small motorcycle or karting cams, you should consider this adapter.
If you are not familiar with our Cam Test Stand, it is shown below. It's encoders measure lift to .00004 inches (4 hundredths of one one thousandth of an inch) and cam rotation angle to .05" degrees.
Standard "non-motorized" Stand w
Motorized Cam Test Stand mounts cam "on centers"
Note: The motorized stand has precision pointed centers, and would not
need the CTS-RHD8.
Pictured below is the Cam Analyzer's Main Screen when measuring a lobe. Note that on the main screen, the layout of the cam is displayed so you know exactly which lobe you should be on for the different cylinder numbers, intake and exhaust. Also note that the lobes are graphed immediately with each measurement so lobes which are "out of line" can be quickly checked again.
to send us an email to get a quote on this adapter with shipping. Include
your complete shipping address.
for more info on our Cam Test Stand and all the accessories.
for more info on the Cam Analyzer software.
2) 4 Link Calculator Our 4 Link Calculator is our MOST popular program. If you're a drag racer with a 4 Link, you should check it out.
Your 4 Link offers lots of "tunability" because there are so many possible combinations of settings. With just 6 holes in each of the 4 brackets, you have almost 1300 possible combinations that you could run. That's why you want the 4 Link Calculator to help you sort these all out.
Once the program has your measurements, you can see what your current combo's settings are. Compare them to some good "starting point" recommendations. See what some other combos you have tried look like. Once you have numbers with each combination of 4 link settings, you can see:
Answer these and hundreds of other questions about your 4 link setup. There are also options for Ladder Bars and Torque Arms (3rd and 4th generation Camaros, Plus Version only). Plus Version adds several more advance features, like more holes in each bracket, showing bar angles and lengths, Adjust option to adjust a bar and see how everything else changes (shown in picture above), and much more.
for more info on our 4 Link Calculator
If you already own the Standard 4 Link Calculator, you might want to add the Plus features for $70.
to email us on upgrading to the Plus version.
3) Last April's Newsletter Here are the topics covered in our previous newsletter. If you would like another copy of April 2022's newsletter (or any previous newsletter) for detail on these topics, visit our website at: Performance Trends Newsletters
Performance Trends reserves the right to discontinue, update, or modify its product line and pricing at any time.